Project / Event(s)

    First Name

    Last Name


    Year of Study e.g. 2 of 3

    Date of birth


    University Email

    Student ID no

    What is your level of study?

    Course / Degree

    Where did you find out about The Centre?

    Signup to Newsletter?


    Code of conduct / disclaimer

    I understand that by participating in any volunteering activity through the Centre I am acting as a representative of the University of Nottingham Students' Union. I agree to the use of my photo or likeness for publicity purposes at the discretion of the Student Volunteer Centre and it's partners.

    I agree

    Equal Opportunities


    Where are you from? (e.g. England, France, China)




    Black AfricanOriental - ChineseIndianBlack CaribbeanOriental - otherPakistaniBlack otherBangladeshiAsian - otherWhite

    Other :

    Do you have a disability? (If YES, please inform a member of the staff team if you need any additional support to help you take part in a volunteering activity) : YesNo